Roofing Elegance in Seattle, Washington

Roofing elegance in Seattle, Washington is a thing.Beauty & Functionality

Roofing elegance in Seattle, Washington is a thing! People will stop in their tracks to admire the elegance of your roof. No longer does a roof need to just be functional, it can be beautiful as well. One of the more popular options is the metal roof. Its clean lines and sleek design compliments various architectural styles. Contemporary modern, tudor, farmhouse, victorian, craftsman, and even traditional ranch style homes look stunning with one of these roofs. It is not only versatile, but can also maintain its pristine appearance over time. 

What’s great about these roofs is that they are just as functional as they are beautiful! In fact, one little fact that you may not think about is the fact that these roofs are environmentally friendly. Its long lifespan and recyclability minimize the environmental impact often associated with replacing a roof.

A Few Other Qualities

you’ll want to be aware of – as you make your roofing decision.

Weather Resistant

Metal roofing is highly resistant to extreme weather. This would be particularly helpful in Central and Eastern Washington where wind and deep snow build up can wreak havoc on a home’s roof, which can also impact the rest of the house’s structural integrity.

Fire Resistant

Metal is non-combustible! It offers a higher level of fire protection than most other roofing materials. You’ll have peace of mind as you and your family can feel confident that your roof will protect you instead of your home being vulnerable. This can be true during times like the 4th of July if fireworks unknowingly land on your roof, it just takes a spark. Metal roofing allows you to relax. Also, if you live in an area where fires have been an issue in recent years, metal roofing could literally save your home as sparks fly.

Low Maintenance

We wait all year for summer to arrive here in Washington, and part of the joy is seeing our landscaping come to life. And yes, it’s beautiful, but it also needs to be maintained when close to the exterior of your house and siding. Some of these can actually creep up under the seams of your siding and really cause damage.  They can also scrape and deposit sap, dirt, and other difficult to remove debris. Large, old growth trees are guilty of shedding and leaving traces behind. Just be sure to keep on top of it. 


Metal might be assumed to be heavy, but it’s actually lightweight in nature. This is a benefit often overlooked. Unlike heavy roofing materials such as concrete tiles or slate, metal roofing puts less stress on the building’s structure. It’s great for older homes that may struggle to carry the weight of a heavy roof which can minimize structural reinforcement if you ever choose to do a remodel. 


At the end of the day, one of its greatest characteristics is its longevity. Roofs are not inexpensive, they are an investment. If you can avoid having to replace your roof, not only does it benefit you, but it also makes for a great selling point if you choose to sell your home.

Our team is standing by to answer your questions and help in any way we can to make sure you choose the right roof for your home’s style, your budget, and your design preferences. We have a ton of options to choose from. We’d love to help! just give us a ring at: (206) 430-1927 or drop us a line on our website.


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